Sennheiser Earphones are incredible products but we receive numerous e-mails every month from customers looking for a way to improve the performance and fit of their earphones. Custom made Audio Earpieces from Avery Sound are the answer. Avery Sound Company can provide you with a pair of custom molded Audio Earpieces giving you the comfort and sound quality you deserve while reducing outside noise and they won’t fall out of your ear!
Scroll down to see available models
Click on the blue Shop Now button below the product offered. If placing and order for two or more sets of earpieces, let us know if the earpieces are for the same person. If for different people, please specify the name and color for each person in the comment section before check out.
Once your order is received, we will ship a set of impression kits to make an impression of each ear (or in the case of deep impressions, we will email you a Lab Order Form, see deep impression advisory). Mail the completed impressions to our lab using the postage paid mailing materials or to the address at the bottom of the lab order form. We will use your impressions to make a reverse casting and return to you a set of custom made earpieces that will fit on your earphones and are guaranteed to give you the comfort and convenience you have been looking for.
Earpieces can be ordered in a wide variety of colors. If no color is selected the earpiece will have a variable tan color. (The material does not cure perfectly clear.) There is even a glitter option for that personalized touch.
The earpieces are not only custom fit for your ear but are custom fit for the specific model of Sennheiser Earphones. Shown below are examples of Sennheiser Earphones with custom earpieces. If you do not see your model pictured send us an e-mail. We are adding new models every month.
Sennheiser IE400 Pro with custom earpieces. Also, IE100, 300, 500
Sennheiser MM70i with black custom earpieces
Sennheiser MM80i with dark purple custom earpieces
Sennheiser MX70 with green and glitter custom earpieces
Sennheiser MX300 with black custom earpieces
Sennheiser MX365 with custom earpieces in no color
Sennheiser MX400 with custom earpieces in dark blue
Sennheiser IE4 earphones with no color earpieces
Sennheiser IE8 (we also work with IE80) earphones with red and dark blue earpieces
Sennheiser IE800 earphones in no color. this model MAY require a drop of superglue to hold the earpieces firmly in place.
Sennheiser CX300 improved with our custom earpiece
Sennheiser CX400 earphones with custom earpieces shown in red
Sennheiser CXC700 earphones with custom earpieces shown in yellow and dark blue
Sennheiser HD-1 earphones with custom earpieces shown in no color
Sennheiser CX985 earphones with custom earpieces shown in black
Sennheiser Momentum True Wireless (1 & 2) earphones with custom earpieces shown in red and blue
Sennheiser Momentum G earphones with custom earpieces shown in black
Sennheiser RR840 earphones with custom earpieces shown in no color